1. Permanent Residence Permit can be granted to:
a. Foreigner Residence Permit holders are limited as clergy, workers, investors, and the elderly;
b. families because of mixed marriages;
c. husband, wife and / or children of the Alien Permanent Residence Permit holder, and
d. Stranger former Indonesian citizen and former child subject of dual nationality of the Republic of Indonesia.
Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners referred to in point 1 is given through the transfer status.
2. Permanent Residence Permit granted to Foreigners referred to in point 1, may also be given to:
a. former subject of dual nationality of the Republic of Indonesia children who choose foreign citizenship;
b. children born in Indonesia of the Alien Permanent Residence Permit holder, and
c. Indonesian citizens who lost citizenship of Indonesia in Indonesia Region.
Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners referred to in point 2 is given directly without going through the transfer status.
1. Fill out the form and attach the following requirements:
a. valid national passport and valid;
b. photocopy limited stay permit valid except for Foreigners former child subjects dual nationality of Republic of Indonesia
who choose foreign citizenship, a child born in Indonesia of the Alien Permanent Residence Permit holders and citizens of Indonesia
Indonesia who lost citizenship in Indonesia Region.
c. domicile;
d. integration statement signed by the concerned, and
e. recommendation of the ministry or the relevant government agencies.
2. In addition to attaching requirements referred to in point 1, to:
a. children who will attend or join a father and / or mother's Permanent Residence Permit holders also must submit:
1) letter of guarantee from the Guarantor;
2) photocopy of birth certificate;
3) copy of a marriage certificate perkawinanatau parents;
4) photocopy of passport kebangsaanayah and / or mother legal and valid;
5) copy of Permanent Residence Permit father and / or mother are still valid, and
6) decisions regarding the transfer status of Licensed It lived.
b. children born in the Territory of Indonesia from parents Permanent Stay Permit holders also must submit:
1) letter of guarantee from the Guarantor;
2) photocopy of birth certificate;
3) copy of a marriage certificate perkawinanatau parents;
4) photocopy of passport kebangsaanayah and / or mother are legitimate and valid, and
5) copy of Permanent Residence Permit father and / or mother are still valid.
c. Stranger former Indonesian citizens, must also attach:
1) letter of guarantee from the Guarantor;
2) evidence that once a citizen of Indonesia, and
3) a decision on the status of Licensed He lives over.
d. dual nationality children who choose foreign nationality, must also attach:
1) letter of request from the father or mother of an Indonesian citizen;
2) submission of declaration form fields to choose foreign citizenship in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations;
3) evidence of return of passports for those who have, and
4) return the affidavit evidence.
e. spouses of foreign nationals who joined the wives or husbands of Indonesian citizens, must also attach:
1) letter of request from the husband or wife of an Indonesian citizen;
2) photocopy of marriage certificate or marriage certificate;
3) photocopy of marriage report from the competent authority for the marriage, which took place in foreign countries;
4) photocopy of identity cards spouses of Indonesian citizens are still valid;
5) photocopy of family card spouses are citizens of Indonesia, and
6) decision over status.
f. children of foreign nationals from the results of a legitimate marriage that joined the father or mother of an Indonesian citizen,
must also attach:
1) letter of request from the father or mother of an Indonesian citizen;
2) photocopy of identity card or mother's father Indonesian citizen is still valid;
3) photocopy of family cards father or mother citizen of Indonesia, and
4) letter of decision over status.
g. son of Foreigners who marry legally citizens of Indonesia are under 18 (eighteen) years of age and have not
mating which combines with the father or mother of Indonesian citizens, must also attach:
1) letter of request from the father or mother of an Indonesian citizen;
2) photocopy of marriage certificate or marriage certificate of parents;
3) photocopy of identity card or mother's father Indonesian citizen is still valid;
4) photocopy of family cards father or mother citizen of Indonesia, and
5) decree over status.
3. Provisions regarding the requirements, apply to the extension of Permanent Residence Permit.
4. In addition to meeting the requirements referred to in point 1 and point 2, for the extension of Permanent Residence Permit must also attach a card
Permanent Residence Permit of time.VALIDITY
1. Permanent Residence Permit granted for a period of 5 (five) years.
2. Permission can be granted an extension of stay for a period not limited to the provisions sepanjangIzin He lives not canceled.
3. Alien Permanent Residence Permit holder who has made an extension shall report to the Immigration Office whose jurisdiction covers
Foreign residence every 5 (five) years.
1. Permanent Residence Permit can be granted to:
a. Foreigner Residence Permit holders are limited as clergy, workers, investors, and the elderly;
b. families because of mixed marriages;
c. husband, wife and / or children of the Alien Permanent Residence Permit holder, and
d. Stranger former Indonesian citizen and former child subject of dual nationality of the Republic of Indonesia.
Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners referred to in point 1 is given through the transfer status.
2. Permanent Residence Permit granted to Foreigners referred to in point 1, may also be given to:
a. former subject of dual nationality of the Republic of Indonesia children who choose foreign citizenship;
b. children born in Indonesia of the Alien Permanent Residence Permit holder, and
c. Indonesian citizens who lost citizenship of Indonesia in Indonesia Region.
Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners referred to in point 2 is given directly without going through the transfer status.
1. Fill out the form and attach the following requirements:
a. valid national passport and valid;
b. photocopy limited stay permit valid except for Foreigners former child subjects dual nationality of Republic of Indonesia
who choose foreign citizenship, a child born in Indonesia of the Alien Permanent Residence Permit holders and citizens of Indonesia
Indonesia who lost citizenship in Indonesia Region.
c. domicile;
d. integration statement signed by the concerned, and
e. recommendation of the ministry or the relevant government agencies.
2. In addition to attaching requirements referred to in point 1, to:
a. children who will attend or join a father and / or mother's Permanent Residence Permit holders also must submit:
1) letter of guarantee from the Guarantor;
2) photocopy of birth certificate;
3) copy of a marriage certificate perkawinanatau parents;
4) photocopy of passport kebangsaanayah and / or mother legal and valid;
5) copy of Permanent Residence Permit father and / or mother are still valid, and
6) decisions regarding the transfer status of Licensed It lived.
b. children born in the Territory of Indonesia from parents Permanent Stay Permit holders also must submit:
1) letter of guarantee from the Guarantor;
2) photocopy of birth certificate;
3) copy of a marriage certificate perkawinanatau parents;
4) photocopy of passport kebangsaanayah and / or mother are legitimate and valid, and
5) copy of Permanent Residence Permit father and / or mother are still valid.
c. Stranger former Indonesian citizens, must also attach:
1) letter of guarantee from the Guarantor;
2) evidence that once a citizen of Indonesia, and
3) a decision on the status of Licensed He lives over.
d. dual nationality children who choose foreign nationality, must also attach:
1) letter of request from the father or mother of an Indonesian citizen;
2) submission of declaration form fields to choose foreign citizenship in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations;
3) evidence of return of passports for those who have, and
4) return the affidavit evidence.
e. spouses of foreign nationals who joined the wives or husbands of Indonesian citizens, must also attach:
1) letter of request from the husband or wife of an Indonesian citizen;
2) photocopy of marriage certificate or marriage certificate;
3) photocopy of marriage report from the competent authority for the marriage, which took place in foreign countries;
4) photocopy of identity cards spouses of Indonesian citizens are still valid;
5) photocopy of family card spouses are citizens of Indonesia, and
6) decision over status.
f. children of foreign nationals from the results of a legitimate marriage that joined the father or mother of an Indonesian citizen,
must also attach:
1) letter of request from the father or mother of an Indonesian citizen;
2) photocopy of identity card or mother's father Indonesian citizen is still valid;
3) photocopy of family cards father or mother citizen of Indonesia, and
4) letter of decision over status.
g. son of Foreigners who marry legally citizens of Indonesia are under 18 (eighteen) years of age and have not
mating which combines with the father or mother of Indonesian citizens, must also attach:
1) letter of request from the father or mother of an Indonesian citizen;
2) photocopy of marriage certificate or marriage certificate of parents;
3) photocopy of identity card or mother's father Indonesian citizen is still valid;
4) photocopy of family cards father or mother citizen of Indonesia, and
5) decree over status.
3. Provisions regarding the requirements, apply to the extension of Permanent Residence Permit.
4. In addition to meeting the requirements referred to in point 1 and point 2, for the extension of Permanent Residence Permit must also attach a card
Permanent Residence Permit of time.VALIDITY
1. Permanent Residence Permit granted for a period of 5 (five) years.
2. Permission can be granted an extension of stay for a period not limited to the provisions sepanjangIzin He lives not canceled.
3. Alien Permanent Residence Permit holder who has made an extension shall report to the Immigration Office whose jurisdiction covers
Foreign residence every 5 (five) years.
1. Izin Tinggal Tetap dapat diberikan kepada:
a. Orang Asing
pemegang Izin Tinggal terbatas sebagai rohaniawan, pekerja, investor, dan
lanjut usia;
keluarga karena perkawinan campuran;
c. suami,
istri, dan/atau anak dari Orang Asing pemegang Izin Tinggal Tetap; dan
d. Orang
Asing eks warga negara Indonesia dan eks subjek anak berkewarganegaraan ganda
Republik Indonesia.
Izin Tinggal Tetap bagi Orang
Asing sebagaimana dimaksud pada point 1 diberikan melalui alih status.
2. Izin Tinggal Tetap yang diberikan kepada Orang
Asing sebagaimana dimaksud pada point 1, juga dapat diberikan kepada:
a. eks
subyek anak berkewarganegaraan ganda Republik Indonesia yang memilih
kewarganegaraan asing;
b. anak
yang lahir di Indonesia dari Orang Asing pemegang Izin Tinggal Tetap; dan
c. warga
negara Indonesia yang kehilangan kewarganegaraan Indonesia di
Wilayah Indonesia.
Izin Tinggal Tetap bagi Orang
Asing sebagaimana dimaksud pada point 2 diberikan secara langsung tanpa melalui
alih status.
1. Mengisi formulir dan melampirkan persyaratan:
a. paspor
kebangsaan yang sah dan masih berlaku;
fotokopi Izin Tinggal terbatas yang masih berlaku kecuali bagi Orang Asing eks
subyek anak berkewarganegaraan ganda Republik Indonesia
yang memilih kewarganegaraan asing, anak yang lahir di Indonesia dari Orang
Asing pemegang Izin Tinggal Tetap dan warga negara Indonesia
yang kehilangan kewarganegaraan Indonesia di Wilayah Indonesia.
c. surat
keterangan domisili;
pernyataan integrasi yang telah ditandatangani oleh yang bersangkutan; dan
rekomendasi dari kementerian atau lembaga pemerintah nonkementerian terkait.
2. Selain melampirkan persyaratan sebagaimana
dimaksud pada point 1, bagi:
anak yang akan mengikuti atau menggabungkan diri dengan ayah dan/atau ibu
pemegang Izin Tinggal Tetap, juga harus melampirkan:
1) surat penjaminan dari Penjamin;
2) fotokopi akta kelahiran;
3) fotokopi akta perkawinanatau buku nikah orang tua;
4) fotokopi paspor kebangsaanayah dan/atau ibu yang sah dan
masih berlaku;
5) fotokopi Izin Tinggal Tetap ayah dan/atau ibu yang masih
berlaku; dan
6) keputusan mengenai alih status Izin Tinggalnya.
b. anak
yang lahir di Wilayah Indonesia dari orang tua pemegang Izin Tinggal Tetap,
juga harus melampirkan:
1) surat penjaminan dari Penjamin;
2) fotokopi akta kelahiran;
3) fotokopi akta perkawinanatau buku nikah orang tua;
4) fotokopi paspor kebangsaanayah dan/atau ibu yang sah
dan masih berlaku; dan
5) fotokopi Izin Tinggal Tetap ayah dan/atau ibu yang masih
c. Orang
Asing eks warga negara Indonesia, juga harus melampirkan:
1) surat penjaminan dari Penjamin;
2) bukti yang menunjukan pernah menjadi warga negara
Indonesia; dan
3) keputusan mengenai alih status Izin Tinggalnya.
d. anak
berkewarganegaraan ganda yang memilih kewarganegaraan asing, juga harus
1) surat permohonan dari ayah atau ibu warga
negara Indonesia;
2) isian formulir penyampaian pernyataan memilih
kewarganegaraan asing sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan;
3) bukti pengembalian Paspor bagi yang memiliki; dan
4) bukti pengembalian affidavit.
e. suami
atau istri warga negara asing yang menggabungkan diri dengan istri atau suami
warga negara Indonesia, juga harus melampirkan:
1) surat permohonan dari suami atau istri warga negara
2) fotokopi akta perkawinan atau buku nikah;
3) fotokopi surat melaporkan perkawinan dari instansi
yang berwenang untuk perkawinan yang dilangsungkan di luar negeri;
4) fotokopi kartu tanda penduduk suami atau isteri
warga negara Indonesia yang masih berlaku;
5) fotokopi kartu keluarga suami atau isteri yang warga
negara Indonesia; dan
6) keputusan alih status.
f. anak
berkewarganegaraan asing dari hasil perkawinan yang sah yang menggabungkan diri
dengan ayah atau ibu warga negara Indonesia,
juga harus melampirkan:
1) surat permohonan dari ayah atau ibu warga negara
2) fotokopi kartu tanda penduduk ayah atau ibu yang
warga negara Indonesia yang masih berlaku;
3) fotokopi kartu keluarga ayah atau ibu yang warga
negara Indonesia; dan
4) surat keputusan alih status.
g. anak
dari Orang Asing yang kawin secara sah dengan warga negara Indonesia yang belum
berusia 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan belum
kawin yang menggabungkan dengan ayah atau ibu warga negara Indonesia, juga
harus melampirkan:
1) surat permohonan dari ayah atau ibu warga negara
2) fotokopi akta perkawinan atau buku nikah orang tua;
3) fotokopi kartu tanda penduduk ayah atau ibu yang
warga negara Indonesia yang masih berlaku;
4) fotokopi kartu keluarga ayah atau ibu yang warga
negara Indonesia; dan
5) surat keputusan alih status.
3. Ketentuan mengenai persyaratan, berlaku juga bagi
perpanjangan Izin Tinggal Tetap.
4. Selain memenuhi persyaratan sebagaimana dimaksud
pada point 1 dan point 2, untuk perpanjangan Izin Tinggal Tetap juga harus
melampirkan kartu
Izin Tinggal Tetap yang lama.
1. Izin Tinggal Tetap diberikan untuk waktu 5 (lima)
2. Izin Tinggal dapat diberikan perpanjangan untuk
jangka waktu tidak terbatas dengan ketentuan sepanjangIzin Tinggalnya tidak
3. Orang Asing pemegang Izin Tinggal Tetap yang
telah melakukan perpanjangan wajib melapor ke Kantor Imigrasi yang wilayah
kerjanya meliputi
tempat tinggal Orang Asing setiap
5 (lima) tahun.
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