1. Residence Permit granted to visit:a. Foreigners who enter Indonesian territory with a visit visa, orb. newborn child in Indonesia and the region at the time of birth the father and / or mother holders of residence visits. Residence Permit granted in accordance with the visit of residence visits father and / or mother.c. Foreigners from countries exempt from the requirement to hold a visa in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations;d. Foreigners who served as crew are Transport equipment are anchored or Territory Indonesia in accordance with laws and regulations;e. Foreigners who enter Indonesian territory in an emergency, andf. Foreigners who enter Indonesian territory with a visit visa upon arrival.
2. Kunjunganberakhir Residence Permit for Residence Permit holders visit:a. return to their home country;b. license has expired;c. permission to switch status to a limited stay permit;d. permission canceled by the Minister or a designated immigration officers;e. subject to deportation, orf. died.
1. New Application:a. Application for Residence Permit for Foreigners visiting entering Indonesian territory with Visa visit, attach:1) letter of guarantee from the Guarantor at the time of applying for Visa, and2) a valid passport and valid.b. Application for Residence Permit visits for children born in Indonesia Region of Residence Permit holders parents filed a visit by filling out the application form and attach the following requirements:1) passport nationality of the child's country representative in Indonesia;2) the child's birth certificate from the hospital or deed kelahirandari authorized officer;3) photocopy of passport nationality of the parents, and4) copy of Residence Permit parents visit.
2. Application for renewala. General Requirements, attach:1) Application form.2) Letter of request and guarantee of the Guarantor.3) the original and copies of passport nationality which there is evidence of a valid license and valid visit.4) Application for extension of the second to fifth alien registration receipt from the Head Office of Immigration or the Immigration Officer is appointed.5) Not included in the list of cease-desist.6) Pay in accordance with the provisions of the Immigration Customs.
b. Special Requirements, attach:Proof of insurance in the form of return-ticket to go home or move on to another country.
3. Residence Permit for Foreigners who visit to Indonesian territory with a visa issued by immigration officers at the Immigration Check Point;
4. Application for Residence Permit visits for children born in Indonesia Region of Residence Permit holders parents filed a visit to the Head of Immigration Office or a designated Immigration Officer at the Immigration Office whose jurisdiction covers the residence in question;
5. Extension of Stay Residence Permit granted by the Head of Immigration Office whose jurisdiction covers the dwelling of strangers;
6. Visit Permit Extension granted maximum of 5 (five) times in a row with each time extension for a period of 30 (thirty) days;
7. Extension of Residence Permit for the first visit and the second conducted by the Head of Immigration Office;
8. Residence Permit Renewal third and fourth visits conducted by the Head of Immigration Office after obtaining the approval of the Head of the Regional Office of Kem. Law and Human Rights;
9. Extension of Residence Permit fifth visit conducted by the Head of Immigration Office after obtaining the approval of the Director General of Immigration;
1. Residence Permit granted to visit:a. Foreigners who enter Indonesian territory with a visit visa, orb. newborn child in Indonesia and the region at the time of birth the father and / or mother holders of residence visits. Residence Permit granted in accordance with the visit of residence visits father and / or mother.c. Foreigners from countries exempt from the requirement to hold a visa in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations;d. Foreigners who served as crew are Transport equipment are anchored or Territory Indonesia in accordance with laws and regulations;e. Foreigners who enter Indonesian territory in an emergency, andf. Foreigners who enter Indonesian territory with a visit visa upon arrival.
2. Kunjunganberakhir Residence Permit for Residence Permit holders visit:a. return to their home country;b. license has expired;c. permission to switch status to a limited stay permit;d. permission canceled by the Minister or a designated immigration officers;e. subject to deportation, orf. died.
1. New Application:a. Application for Residence Permit for Foreigners visiting entering Indonesian territory with Visa visit, attach:1) letter of guarantee from the Guarantor at the time of applying for Visa, and2) a valid passport and valid.b. Application for Residence Permit visits for children born in Indonesia Region of Residence Permit holders parents filed a visit by filling out the application form and attach the following requirements:1) passport nationality of the child's country representative in Indonesia;2) the child's birth certificate from the hospital or deed kelahirandari authorized officer;3) photocopy of passport nationality of the parents, and4) copy of Residence Permit parents visit.
2. Application for renewala. General Requirements, attach:1) Application form.2) Letter of request and guarantee of the Guarantor.3) the original and copies of passport nationality which there is evidence of a valid license and valid visit.4) Application for extension of the second to fifth alien registration receipt from the Head Office of Immigration or the Immigration Officer is appointed.5) Not included in the list of cease-desist.6) Pay in accordance with the provisions of the Immigration Customs.
b. Special Requirements, attach:Proof of insurance in the form of return-ticket to go home or move on to another country.
3. Residence Permit for Foreigners who visit to Indonesian territory with a visa issued by immigration officers at the Immigration Check Point;
4. Application for Residence Permit visits for children born in Indonesia Region of Residence Permit holders parents filed a visit to the Head of Immigration Office or a designated Immigration Officer at the Immigration Office whose jurisdiction covers the residence in question;
5. Extension of Stay Residence Permit granted by the Head of Immigration Office whose jurisdiction covers the dwelling of strangers;
6. Visit Permit Extension granted maximum of 5 (five) times in a row with each time extension for a period of 30 (thirty) days;
7. Extension of Residence Permit for the first visit and the second conducted by the Head of Immigration Office;
8. Residence Permit Renewal third and fourth visits conducted by the Head of Immigration Office after obtaining the approval of the Head of the Regional Office of Kem. Law and Human Rights;
9. Extension of Residence Permit fifth visit conducted by the Head of Immigration Office after obtaining the approval of the Director General of Immigration;
1. Residence Permit for visit visa holders visit 1 (one) time travel and some time travel is given for a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date the Signs Sign;
2. Residence Permit for visit visa holders visit 1 (one) time travel as referred to in point 1 may diperpanjangpaling of 4 (four) times and the duration of any extension of the period of 30 (thirty) days;
3. Residence Permit for visit visa holders visiting several times on trips can not be extended;
4. Residence Permit holders visit VisaKunjungan Arrival is issued for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of diberikannyaTanda Sign;
5. Residence Permit holders visit VisaKunjungan Arrival referred to in point 4 can be extended for 1 (one) time for a period of 30 (thirty) days;
6. Residence Permit for Foreigners visiting the country are exempt from the requirement to hold a visa granted for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of diberikannyaTanda Sign;
7. Residence Permit for Foreigners visiting the country are exempt from the requirement to hold a visa referred to in point 6 can not be extended, except in emergencies;
8. Residence Permit for Foreigners who visit served as crew are Transport equipment are anchored or Region Indonesia, given for a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date the Signs Sign and can not be extended;
9. Residence Permit to visit the newborn child in the Territory Indonesiadan at birth father and / or mother holders of residence visits, given for long periods of residence adjusted to visit his parents;
10. Residence Permit for Foreigners visiting entering Indonesian territory during an emergency, given for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date the sign Inbox.
1. Residence Permit for visit visa holders visit 1 (one) time travel and some time travel is given for a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date the Signs Sign;
2. Residence Permit for visit visa holders visit 1 (one) time travel as referred to in point 1 may diperpanjangpaling of 4 (four) times and the duration of any extension of the period of 30 (thirty) days;
3. Residence Permit for visit visa holders visiting several times on trips can not be extended;
4. Residence Permit holders visit VisaKunjungan Arrival is issued for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of diberikannyaTanda Sign;
5. Residence Permit holders visit VisaKunjungan Arrival referred to in point 4 can be extended for 1 (one) time for a period of 30 (thirty) days;
6. Residence Permit for Foreigners visiting the country are exempt from the requirement to hold a visa granted for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of diberikannyaTanda Sign;
7. Residence Permit for Foreigners visiting the country are exempt from the requirement to hold a visa referred to in point 6 can not be extended, except in emergencies;
8. Residence Permit for Foreigners who visit served as crew are Transport equipment are anchored or Region Indonesia, given for a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date the Signs Sign and can not be extended;
9. Residence Permit to visit the newborn child in the Territory Indonesiadan at birth father and / or mother holders of residence visits, given for long periods of residence adjusted to visit his parents;
10. Residence Permit for Foreigners visiting entering Indonesian territory during an emergency, given for a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date the sign Inbox.
Izin Tinggal kunjungan diberikan
Orang Asing yang masuk Wilayah
Indonesia dengan Visa kunjungan; atau
anak yang baru lahir di Wilayah
Indonesia dan pada saat lahir ayah dan / atau ibunya pemegang Izin Tinggal
kunjungan. Izin Tinggal kunjungan tersebut diberikan sesuai dengan Izin Tinggal
kunjungan ayah dan/atau ibunya.
c. Orang Asing dari negara yang dibebaskan dari kewajiban
memiliki Visa sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan;
d. Orang Asing yang bertugas sebagai awak Alat Angkut yang
sedang berlabuh atau berada di Wilayah Indonesia sesuai dengan ketentuan
peraturan perundang-undangan;
e. Orang Asing yang masuk Wilayah Indonesia dalam keadaan
darurat; dan
f. Orang Asing yang masuk Wilayah Indonesia dengan Visa
kunjungan saat kedatangan.
Izin Tinggal kunjunganberakhir
karena pemegang Izin Tinggal kunjungan:
kembali ke negara asalnya;
izinnya telah habis masa berlaku;
izinnya beralih status menjadi Izin
Tinggal terbatas;
izinnya dibatalkan oleh Menteri atau
Pejabat Imigrasi yang ditunjuk;
dikenai Deportasi; atau
meninggal dunia.
1. Permohonan baru :
a. Permohonan Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi Orang Asing yang
masuk Wilayah Indonesia dengan Visa kunjungan, melampirkan :
1) surat penjaminan dari Penjamin pada saat mengajukan
permohonan Visa; dan
2) paspor yang sah dan masih berlaku.
b. Permohonan Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi anak yang lahir di
Wilayah Indonesia dari orang tua pemegang Izin Tinggal kunjungan diajukan
dengan mengisi formulir permohonan dan melampirkan persyaratan:
1) paspor kebangsaan anak dari perwakilan negaranya di
2) surat keterangan kelahiran anak dari rumah sakit atau akta
kelahirandari pejabat yang berwenang;
3) fotokopi paspor kebangsaan orang tua; dan
fotokopi Izin Tinggal kunjungan
orang tua.
2. Permohonan perpanjangan
a. Persyaratan Umum, melampirkan :
1) Formulir permohonan.
2) Surat permintaan dan jaminan dari Penjamin.
3) Paspor kebangsaan asli dan fotokopinya yang
terdapat bukti izin kunjungan yang sah dan berlaku.
4) Permohonan perpanjangan kedua hingga kelima melampirkan
bukti pendaftaran orang asing dari Kepala Kantor Imigrasi atau Pejabat Imigrasi
yang ditunjuk.
5) Tidak termasuk dalam daftar cegah-tangkal.
6) Membayar Bea Imigrasi
sesuai dengan ketentuan.
b. Persyaratan Khusus, melampirkan :
Bukti jaminan berupa return-ticket untuk pulang atau
meneruskan perjalanan ke negara lain.
3. Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi Orang Asing yang masuk ke
wilayah Indonesia dengan Visa Kunjungan diberikan oleh Pejabat Imigrasi di
Tempat Pemeriksaan Imigrasi;
Permohonan Izin Tinggal kunjungan
bagi anak yang lahir di Wilayah Indonesia dari orang tua pemegang Izin Tinggal
kunjungan diajukan kepada Kepala Kantor Imigrasi atau Pejabat Imigrasi yang
ditunjuk pada Kantor Imigrasi yang wilayah kerjanya meliputi tempat tinggal
yang bersangkutan;
5. Perpanjangan Izin Tinggal Kunjungan diberikan oleh Kepala
Kantor Imigrasi yang wilayah kerjanya meliputi tempat tinggal orang asing;
Perpanjangan Izin Kunjungan
diberikan paling banyak 5 (lima) kali berturut-turut dengan setiap kali
perpanjangan untuk jangka waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari;
Perpanjangan Izin Tinggal Kunjungan
untuk yang pertama dan kedua dilaksanakan oleh Kepala Kantor Imigrasi;
Perpanjangan Izin Tinggal Kunjungan
yang ketiga dan keempat dilaksanakan oleh Kepala Kantor Imigrasi setelah
memperoleh persetujuan Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kem. Hukum dan HAM;
Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi pemegang
Visa kunjungan 1 (satu) kali perjalanan dan beberapa kali perjalanan di berikan
untuk waktu paling lama 60 (enam puluh) hari sejak tanggal diberikannya Tanda
Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi pemegang
Visa kunjungan 1 (satu) kali perjalanan sebagaimana dimaksud pada point 1 dapat
diperpanjangpaling banyak 4 (empat) kali dan jangka waktu setiap perpanjangan
paling lama 30 (tiga puluh) hari;
Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi pemegang
Visa kunjungan beberapa kali perjalanan tidak dapat diperpanjang;
Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi pemegang
VisaKunjungan Saat Kedatangan diberikan untuk waktu paling lama 30 (tiga puluh)
hari sejak tanggal diberikannyaTanda Masuk;
5. Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi pemegang VisaKunjungan
Saat Kedatangan sebagaimana dimaksud pada point 4 dapat diperpanjang 1 (satu)
kali untuk waktu paling lama 30 (tiga puluh) hari;
Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi Orang
Asing dari negara yang dibebaskan dari kewajiban memiliki Visa diberikan untuk
waktu paling lama 30 (tiga puluh) hari sejak tanggal diberikannyaTanda Masuk;
Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi Orang
Asing dari negara yang dibebaskan dari kewajiban memiliki Visa sebagaimana
dimaksud pada point 6 tidak dapat diperpanjang, kecuali dalam keadaan darurat;
Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi Orang
Asing yang bertugas sebagai awak Alat Angkut yang sedang berlabuh atau berada
di Wilayah Indonesia, diberikan untuk waktu paling lama 60 (enam puluh) hari
sejak tanggal diberikannya Tanda Masuk dan tidak dapat diperpanjang;
9. Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi anak yang baru lahir di Wilayah
Indonesiadan pada saat lahir ayah dan/atau ibunya pemegang Izin Tinggal kunjungan,
diberikan untuk jangka waktu yang disesuaikan dengan Izin Tinggal kunjungan
orang tuanya;
10. Izin Tinggal kunjungan bagi Orang Asing yang
masuk Wilayah Indonesia dalam keadaan darurat, diberikan untuk waktu paling
lama 30 (tiga puluh) hari sejak tanggal diberikannya Tanda Masuk.
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